

Ehmen was established in 953 DR after seceding from Myrtae. Originally founded by the Unitas Homoniem, a religious slpinter group that focused on what is now known as the 'human' pantheon, created in reaction to the rule of the Arcanosorium during the early eighth to mid ninth centuries. The schism of the Ehmen Homoniem from the Myrtae Homoniem was caused by the Myrtaen king Constas incorporating Kiris, the human and halfling god of Magic, into a larger role of their religious structure and becoming more tolerant of arcane practices.

The Ehmen Homoniem was created in 948 and led by Reid Ehmen, a cleric of Arla who was devoutly anti-magic to anything not sourced from an appropriate divinity. He led his congregation from philosophical disputes to outright rebellion in 951, and after two years of bloody war, managed to establish in Arland his own government and religious teachings independent of Myrtae. He was named as the first Divine King, and the lands he had won were offically recognized as Ehmen. A series of conquests out of the Arland praire led by his sucessor, Emma Secunda, (989-1002) expanded the borders of the new kingdom dramatically. The second war with Myrtae to the north ended by a series of treaties by Monarch Wendell ii of Myrtae in 1123 established the current recognized borders of Ehmen, although small skirmishes with neighboring countries persist due to ideological differences and resource aquisition.


Ehmen is a Theocracy to this day, with current Divine Queen Hydasi the Venerated acting head of state. The Ruler is not passed through bloodline, but chosen by the eight gods at a young age and raised equally among their churches until their time comes to rule. The High Clerics of the churches act as mentors and advisors to the Ruler, and represent their respective congregations, draft laws, act as checks so one church does not grow too powerful over another, and 'represent the will of their gods' on Telethani.

The current High Clerics are Gregori Barten of Morgran, Phillip Loestcher of Sola, Emmaline Visori of Helina, Samhiel Fletcher of Artur, Jeza Waylight of Hernez, Anjali Smythe of Vemel, Jay Vassal of Arla, and Donall Theopolil of Kiris. With the exception of Cleric Waylight and Cleric Theopolil, who are Halflings, all current High Clerics are Human, as is the Divine Queen.


Ehmen is a human kingdom by an overwhelming majority, with 80 percent of the population beign human, roughly 20 percent being halfling, with a small smattering of other peoples as citizens. Due to this, many peoples not human or halfling, or of mixed lineage, are considered exotic at best and monstrous at worst. This is particularly true for Gobliniods, Orcs, and Tieflings, who live on the fringes of society if at all.